Black Pool Fence With Timber Posts - How Does It Look?
Black pool fencing with timber posts is a popular and versatile style of fencing. If you are considering this style, you should learn all you can about this type of fence so that you can make the most informed decision for your space.
In this article, we’ll discuss what black pool fencing with timber posts is, how it looks, the benefits and drawbacks of this fence type, and the best pool styles and landscape pairings for it.
What Are Black Pool Fences With Timber Posts?
Black timber post pool fences consist of black-painted metal fence panels and timber fence posts. These metal fence panels can be composed of steel or aluminium and typically feature rows of vertical, black bars.
Each panel of metal bars is approximately 1-1.5 metres long before another timber post is needed. Timber posts can be made out of your choice of wood to allow for some style customisation.
Benefits And Drawbacks Of Black Pool Fences With Timber Posts
The Benefits
A black pool fence with timber posts has a sleek and modern appearance that is not overwhelming. Because of this, it fits nicely with a variety of pool landscaping themes.
Low Maintenance
This type of pool fencing is fairly easy to repair and clean. The painted metal fencing panels can be cleaned with water or an outdoor soap as needed, and the wooden fence posts can easily be repaired or replaced by savvy DIY enthusiasts.
Some fences with vertical bars can still be climbable if the surfaces are not grip-resistant. The metal bars in the panels of black pool fencing with timber posts are naturally smooth and resist any attempts to climb.
Black pool fencing with timber posts can easily last as long as the life of your pool with minimal upkeep.
The metal components of these fences are typically made of rust-resistant aluminium, so they only need to be repainted if they get scratched. Pressure-treated fence posts can rot over time, but this fencing style makes them simple to replace, and there is less timber than a vertical batten fence.
The Drawbacks
Black Metal
Metal outdoor furniture can get very hot in the sunlight during the warmer months, and this is equally true for the black metal bars seen in this type of fence. Although the risk of injury is low, it’s important to monitor small children around this hazard.
Moderately Priced
Because of the aluminium framing in this fencing style, you will pay more per metre than when purchasing a wooden fence alone. For black pool fencing with timber posts, you can expect to pay $90-$160 per metre. This cost may be higher if you choose a less-common wood.
Best Landscape Pairings For Black Pool Fences With Timber Posts
Black pool fencing with timber posts is highly versatile in terms of design. Due to the black metal bars, they can adapt easily to more modern landscaping themes.
The wooden posts also grant this fencing type the ability to blend well with nature-oriented themes. Plant-heavy landscaping, such as those with tropical plants or privacy hedges, both pair nicely with black pool fencing with timber posts.
You may want to avoid using this fencing type in small areas because the dark colours can add a bulking effect. Pairing this style of fencing with brightly-coloured and near-white landscaping elements can produce clashing effects if other dark elements are not well-placed.
Black pool fencing with timber posts is a versatile fencing option. Thanks to the vertical fencing bars, this fence type is also fully unclimbable, meaning that it complies with national pool safety fencing regulations.
Do you have any questions about black pool fences with timber posts? Reach out to us in the contact section with anything else you may be wondering about!

A chemical engineer by trade, Louis is committed to debunking myths in the pool industry by explaining the underlying chemistry and making it accessible to all.