Zodiac Pool Chlorine 2kg
❓Type: | Chlorine |
⚛️Ingredient: | Calcium Hypochlorite |
🚀Available Chlorine: | 700 g/L |
🧪Dose: | As needed to maintain free chlorine level |
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Price Comparison - Zodiac Pool Chlorine 2kg
What Is Zodiac Pool Chlorine?
Zodiac Pool Chlorine is a sanitation product designed to be added to your pool to eliminate algae, bacteria and other microorganisms as well as oxidise any other organic material.
It consists of calcium hypochlorite, a granular, unstabilised form of chlorine. It has an available chlorine concentration of 700 g/L. This is much higher than most liquid chlorine products, which have an available chlorine concentration of about 125 g/L.
It comes in 2kg, 4kg and 10kg sizes.
How Much Should I Dose?
Zodiac doesn't provide much guidance in terms of how much of this product to add to your pool. The reason for this is that it is highly dependent on the following:
- Pool volume
- Current free chlorine concentration
- Target free chlorine concentration
You will need to use a pool chlorine calculator to help you work out how much of this product is right for your pool.
Don't just guess and add an approximate amount - this could lead to an algae outbreak if you underdo it, or swimmer discomfort and health issues if you overdo it. Take the time to work out the right dose for your pool.
Are There Any Risks With Using Zodiac Pool Chlorine?
As this product consists of calcium hypochlorite, you will be adding calcium to your pool each time you use it. While the quantity of calcium is very low, it could build up in your pool over many months and years, especially if you periodically shock your pool with it.
Keep an eye on the hardness level in your water, and if necessary, take steps to reduce the calcium hardness.
The other risk is overchlorination of your pool. If you accidentally add too much and your free chlorine rises above 4 ppm, don't swim in the pool until the free chlorine level has come down.
High chlorine levels can lead to itchy skin and sore eyes, and ingestion of the water can make you sick.
If you need to lower the chlorine level quickly, consider using a chlorine remover.