Vertical Timber Batten Pool Fences In Australia - Good Idea?
Vertical timber batten pool fences are a popular pool fencing option in Australia. Composed of wood, this fencing type is different from many other materials available on the market. Therefore, you may be wondering, are these a good idea for my pool?
In this article, we will discuss what vertical timber batten pool fences are, some of the pros and cons of this fence type, and what pool landscaping styles pair best with this fencing option.
What Are Vertical Timber Batten Pool Fences?
Vertical timber batten pool fences are panel-free fences that consist of repetitive, vertical, wooden rail posts. These posts are connected by two horizontal rails, one near the base of the posts and one near the top of them.
The specific placement of these horizontal rails is important because it makes your vertical timber batten pool fence unclimbable. This fencing feature is necessary to comply with pool fencing safety regulations across Australia.
It is essentially the timber version of steel rod pool fences.
Pros And Cons Of Vertical Timber Batten Pool Fencing
Vertical timber batten pool fences have many pros and cons. Below we have listed some of the most prominent ones to help you make the best decision for your pool.
The Pros
Wooden fencing is easy to install and can often be done by pool owners experienced with DIY projects. Wood is lighter and easier to lift than other pool fencing materials, meaning that it is easier to work with and that there is less risk of personal injury.
Vertical timber batten pool fences have the classic and timeless look shared by many styles of wooden fence. Additionally, the long gaps in this fence allow you to experience more of your yard as a combined area.
Wood is one of the cheapest pool fencing materials available, making vertical timber batten pool fences an affordable design-forward option.
Built to last
Most wood used for building outdoor structures such as pool fences is treated to prevent it from developing rot and decaying in wet weather. You can also opt for a more chemical-free, environmentally-friendly wood that has undergone pressure treatment to extend its lifespan.
The traditional configuration of vertical timber batten pool fences leaves large, vertical gaps between each post.
However, this does not have to be your final design. Wooden pool fences are highly customizable, and it is easy to add privacy and screening elements to these fences if you live in a more crowded neighbourhood.
The Cons
Susceptible to damage
Unlike heavier materials such as concrete or metal, wooden fences are prone to becoming damaged by weather. This is important to keep in mind if you live in an area with frequent rains, oppressive humidity, or strong winds and storms.
Prone to degradation
Unlike inorganic fencing materials, wood is prone to natural deterioration. This can be caused by moisture, which may lead to the development of mould, lichens, and other rot-causing ailments. Wood can also harbour insects such as beetles and wasps.
Ensure the wood used for your timber fence has been treated appropriately.
Best Landscape Pairings For Vertical Timber Batten Pool Fences
Vertical timber batten pool fences pair best with traditional and homely outdoor spaces. These fences make a great choice for pool landscaping areas with lawns and gardens as they help to maintain a simple and chic appearance that can even be altered to look rustic.

A chemical engineer by trade, Louis is committed to debunking myths in the pool industry by explaining the underlying chemistry and making it accessible to all.