How To Fix A Self Closing Pool Gate & Latch - Step By Step
Self-closing pool gates are mandatory under Australian pool fencing safety regulations. These gates are spring-loaded so that they shut and latch quickly after they are opened to prevent unwanted pool access.
Sometimes, these gates can wear out. When this happens, your gate may not close as fast as it should, and without enough force behind the gate, it can also develop latching problems.
In this article, we will discuss how to fix a self-closing pool gate and latch.
How To Fix A Self-Closing Pool Gate
Pool gates that are not closing with enough force can also fail to latch entirely. Luckily, this issue often has a fairly easy fix. The only tool you will need to attempt to tighten the tension springs inside your gate’s hinges is a flathead screwdriver.
Locate The Tension Adjustment Pin
Find your pool gate’s hinges. These will typically be on the inside of your pool fence but can be on either side.
Locate the top of the hinges where the axle runs through the device. Here, you should see a small groove for a flathead screwdriver.
Increasing The Tension In The Hinges
Press your flathead screwdriver firmly against the groove and rotate it counterclockwise to tighten the hinge. Only tighten the hinge a small amount at a time, and stop as soon as your gate can close with the proper amount of force.
Important Tips
It is possible to over-tighten your fence’s hinges. This may make your gate close properly for a while, but will only cause your hinges to wear out more quickly. You can also break the tension springs in your fence by attempting to tighten them too much.
After you have increased the tension, your pool gate should be able to latch properly.
Other Issues
Not all pool gate issues can be solved by increasing the tension. If your gate does not line up properly with the latch on your fence post, this indicates a more significant issue.
Gate hinges that cannot be adequately tightened will need to be replaced entirely. It is also possible for ground settling to affect the way that your gate lines up, creating latching issues that are unrelated to your gate’s hinges.
If you are mechanically inclined, you may be able to replace your pool gate hinges yourself.
When To Seek Professional Help
If you don’t have the necessary skill set or suspect that there may be a different issue with your pool fence’s gate or latch, do not hesitate to contact a pool fencing company for help.
These experienced professionals deal with fencing issues daily and have the know-how it takes to get your pool’s gate back up to code in no time at all.
It’s essential to keep your pool’s fence in top condition to prevent accidents, and this is especially pertinent if your gate is failing to close properly.
Do you have any questions about how to fix a self-closing pool gate? Reach out to us in the comments section; we’d love to help answer any remaining queries you may have!

A chemical engineer by trade, Louis is committed to debunking myths in the pool industry by explaining the underlying chemistry and making it accessible to all.