Pool Earthing Requirements

Pool Earthing Requirements [QLD, NSW & Victoria]

Constructing a swimming pool is a complex project. Many regulations must be followed during the building process to ensure your pool is safe, including earthing requirements. But what is pool earthing?

In this article, we will discuss what pool earthing is, what the pool earthing requirements are for QLD, NSW, and Victoria, and how you can ensure your pool meets these requirements.

What Is Pool Earthing?

Pool earthing refers to a process where your pool’s electrical components are connected to the ground. The main purpose of this process is to redirect electrical currents into the earth and therefore reduce the risk of electrical shock in your pool.

Although your pool’s electrical elements are heavily insulated, if a failure were to occur with your pool’s machinery, it could produce dangerously high voltage near your pool.

When your pool is properly connected to the earth, this high-voltage current travels through conductive elements and into the ground where it can safely dissipate.

Pool earthing can also be referred to as pool grounding or equipotential bonding.

You may also see pool fence earthing requirements being discussed. This is the same concept as pool earthing but specifically focuses on the process of forming a safe connection between any metal fencing elements and the ground.

Pool Earthing Requirements Australia

In Australia, pool earthing requirements are set by Australian Standard 3000 (AS3000).

This safety regulating law states that any conductive metals such as fence posts or electrical machinery must be connected to your pool’s main earthing system if it sits within 1.25 metres of the water’s edge.

These earthing requirements are the same across Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria.

By law, each state requires that pool earthing be completed by a licensed, professional electrician. It is their responsibility, not the homeowner’s, to follow the standards set out in AS3000 and to ensure that the pool they are working on complies with these safety regulations.

The most common pool elements that require a connection to an earthing system include underwater pool lights, pool pumps, metal fencing, and heaters, but there are other examples.


Proper pool earthing reduces the risk of electrical shock for swimmers and those within reach of the water’s edge. This process must be completed by a licensed professional who will ensure that your pool’s electrical elements comply with technical regulations.

Do you have any questions about pool earthing requirements? Get in touch with us in the comments, we’d love to help!

Louis from Pool Advisor


A chemical engineer by trade, Louis is committed to debunking myths in the pool industry by explaining the underlying chemistry and making it accessible to all.